Monday, October 29, 2007


Smart. I am smart. Remind yourself: "I am not smart, the Smart Retard is." You AREN"T smart. If you were smart, I would not believe it. I would still be smarter than you. I would be so much smarter that it would make you look dumb, no matter how smart you are compared to other people who aren't smart.
I've cleared your mind of any belief that you are smart. Now I can continue.
I was in Denver for the World Series this weekend. I did not go to the game. People who went were stupid. I am smart. Therefore, I could not have gone. I only went outside of the stadium and watched the game at a restaurant. The Rockies did not win. I do not care anyways. They are idiots and they are terrible. I barely watched the game. I only watched when a home run was hit, and there were very few home runs hit.
I took almost every mint from the restaurant mint bowl as I left. I don't care. I ate some already. I threw many in the air for no reason. It was because I could. Don't question me. You can't even start.
I fought verbally with a man. Some call this slamming. I don't. That's an idiotic name. I call it destroying, because I destroyed him. He probably killed himself after the verbal beat down I gave him. I am smart. He is not.
My friend ran a red light. I was not worried. We could have died. It is okay.
We considered eating and then not paying for our meal. Some call this dining and dashing. I don't. I call it doing what I feel like. We paid for our meal. It cost 150 dollars. It was not smart.
You have no idea how smart I am. It's unbelievable. Do not try to best me. You will lose. You will cry. I will rejoice.
Smart. I am smart.


The Fairbanks said...

i dont even comprehend what it is you are saying, but what ever it was it sounded really smart.


I wish I had been in Denver for the World Series. oh well. Sounds like you had a great time

Milly said...

sounds like a crazy weekend.
Glad you are back to play!!! we need to play!!
I don't want to play with the gangster talkers...they are hard to read I can only imagine how hard they would be to hang out offense hahaha!

Greg and Michelle said...

Cory! I love the blog! We are so excited to see you next week!
Love ya!

TOOL is like 2nd Grade Math said...

I just feel bad that you tarnished your soul by breaking the 8th Commandment : Thou shall not steal fresh mints, especially when the hot waitress sees you do and you look like a jackass, Wade 3:19.