Monday, October 01, 2007

Calling All Koellings: Roll Call

Sup, Koellings? Anyone tell you I was back? I haven't heard nuthin from y'alls. Betcha thought I was DOA. Non-cents. I don't die, Koellings. I only gain strength in my dufeets.
Yo, I knows you check my blog. Why the silence, then? Skayred?
How ya doing Deb? How bout you, Rob? Still teaching? Howz Bradley? Howz yo kids? They makin good grades in skool? Yo, make shur they does they studiez. Kidz be runnin crazy these dayz, gotsta watch they P's and Quizzles.
Yo, you needs to sound back, Koellings! Whats the score?
Wutang, Koellings. Think about it.
Respond, PLEEZ! Holla atcha boy!
I'll be waiting.
Fo shizzle.

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